
nearly 60 Learn more about nearly 60

  • Purple-black color--Persian fritillary bulb

    Purple-black color--Persian fritillary bulb

    Any of several plants of the genus Fritillaria in the lily family, native to western Asia and southern Turkey. Perennial bulbous plant, 30-60 cm (12-24 in.) tall, producing up to 30 variously conical or bell-shaped flowers per plant.

  • Parting and sadness-- changing brocade flowers

    Parting and sadness-- changing brocade flowers

    Change the brocade flower: herbal, earthly. Bulb ovate, leafy in early spring, leaves banded. Flowering stem ca. 60 cm tall; involucral bracts 2. Umbels with 4-6 flowers, purplish red. Stamens nearly as long as perianth. Capsule trigonous, loculicidal. ...

  • Create a Task Force that will never withdraw-- experience of getting rid of Poverty in Wangbeifeng Village, Hengshi Town, Ningxiang

    Create a Task Force that will never withdraw-- experience of getting rid of Poverty in Wangbeifeng Village, Hengshi Town, Ningxiang

    Create a Task Force that will never withdraw-- experience of getting rid of Poverty in Wangbeifeng Village, Hengshi Town, Ningxiang

  • Peach morning flower dew

    Peach morning flower dew

    In 1978, the Institute of Horticulture of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences was selected from the natural immature embryos of Yuhua dew through tissue culture. The original code was 78Mui 2mi 1, which was named in 1985. The shape of the fruit is nearly round, neat, symmetrical, the top of the fruit is flat and slightly concave; the average weight of a single fruit is 60 grams, and the maximum weight of the fruit is 97 grams; the peel is milky yellow with rose-red dots on the top or forms a bright red halo, and the skin is easy to peel off; the flesh is milky white, there is no red halo near the core, the flesh is soft and succulent, sweet and sometimes astringent; soluble solids 10.5% 12.5%

  • Is the belt fish a deep-sea fish?

    Is the belt fish a deep-sea fish?

    Is the belt fish a deep-sea fish?

  • Prevention of lymphocytic leukemia in chickens

    Prevention of lymphocytic leukemia in chickens

    Chicken lymphocytic leukemia (LL) is a neoplastic disease caused by leukemia virus in near-sexually mature chickens or sexually mature chickens. It is characterized by slow epidemic, long course of disease, low mortality and tumors in liver, spleen, kidney and bursa of Fabricius. Chicken leukemia virus is a leukemia / sarcoma virus group of RNA tumor virus C of the family Retroviridae. This virus can not bear high temperature, 50 ℃, 8 minutes or 60 ℃. It can lose its activity in 30 seconds, but it can be preserved for several years at-60 ℃. (1) epidemic characteristics: under natural conditions

  • The latest news of bird flu in 2018: the number of bird flu cases has dropped by nearly 50%, and epidemic prevention work will be strengthened.

    The latest news of bird flu in 2018: the number of bird flu cases has dropped by nearly 50%, and epidemic prevention work will be strengthened.

    Now we have reached a period of high incidence of bird flu, so we need to strengthen our defense in this respect. What should we do specifically? Let's take a look. Ducks need to be screened before slaughtering, and epidemic prevention is effective in order to prevent the spread of bird flu. Last year, the Council of Agriculture forced all ducks in Taiwan.

    2019-01-24 Bird flu latest news 2018 case decline nearly 50%
  • Legless brother lived a "sweet" life of self-reliance, beekeeping and becoming rich.

    Legless brother lived a

    Legless brother lived a "sweet" life of self-reliance, beekeeping and becoming rich.

  • Cultivation and planting skills of Flower Sunflower

    Cultivation and planting skills of Flower Sunflower

    Malvaceae, genus Malvaceae. [morphology] annual herbs, plant height 90 Murray 150 cm, much branched. The leaves are alternate, the leaf margin is irregularly crenate, pilose or nearly smooth, the lower leaf is nearly cordate and the upper leaf is angular. Flowers solitary leaf axils, rose or red, about 10 cm in diameter, 5 petals

  • Cultivation techniques of early peach in Cangfang

    Cultivation techniques of early peach in Cangfang

    Cangfangzaosheng peach was introduced from Shandong Province in Zhangjiagang City in 2000. The variety showed strong tree vigor, strong germination and branching power, early fruiting, nearly round fruit, average fruit weight 225g, maximum fruit weight 500g, milky white peel, sunny red or rose-red stripe, difficult to peel, milky white flesh with red, hard solute, resistant to storage and transportation, soluble solids content 12%, sticky core. Matures at the end of June in Zhangjiagang City. 1. Planting. In autumn, choose a field with high terrain to build

  • Where does Clematis grow?

    Where does Clematis grow?

    Where does Clematis grow?

  • King Bletilla introduced "Golden Phoenix" to help villagers get rich.

    King Bletilla introduced

    King Bletilla introduced "Golden Phoenix" to help villagers get rich.

  • The appearance characteristics of the latest pine trees

    The appearance characteristics of the latest pine trees

    Pine trees belong to the genus Pinus in the pine family. There are nearly 80 species in the world. They have strong adaptability to terrestrial environment. They can endure low temperature of-60 ℃ or high temperature of 50 ℃. They can be used in exposed mineral soil, sandy soil, volcanic ash, calcareous soil, limestone soil and ash.

    2020-11-10 The latest pine shape characteristics yes pine family pine genus
  • "cherish Tidal Fish Le Keelung" Tidal Conservation area celebrates the anniversary of protecting the ocean

    "cherish Tidal Fish Le Keelung" Tidal Conservation area Anniversary Celebration and parent-Child Fish Fry release activities, connected with Taiwan Race, more than 60 boats of various types went to the waters near Keelung Island to release 100000 fish fry. On the morning of the 14th, they released 100000 fish fry at Bisha fishing Port.

  • Lily cultivated species

    Lily cultivated species

    1. Curly Dan is also called Tiger skin Lily. Its bulb is nearly oblate, about 3.5 cm high, 4-8 cm in diameter and weighing more than 250 grams. Scales broadly ovate, 2.5-3 cm long and 1.4-2.5 cm wide, white slightly yellowish. There is a lot of starch and a slight bitter taste. Aboveground stem 0.8-1.5 m high, purplish striped, white woolly. Leaves scattered, short round-lanceolate or lanceolate, nearly glabrous on both sides, apex with white hairs, margin with papillary protuberances, 5-7 veins, upper middle axils with beads. The flower is orange-red, blossoms downward, and the perianth rolls outward.

  • 60 Years of Litchi Planting by "Niu Ren" in Dongguan, Guangdong Province

    60 Years of Litchi Planting by

    60 Years of Litchi Planting by "Niu Ren" in Dongguan, Guangdong Province

  • Where does the latest Clematis grow?

    Where does the latest Clematis grow?

    Anoectochilus roxburghii is an extremely rare wild mountain treasure, also known as golden thread, gold earrings, bird ginseng and so on. It is a perennial herb of Orchidaceae. The whole herb has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, dispelling wind and dampness, detoxification and pain. In folklore, it can cure all kinds of diseases.

    2020-11-10 The latest Anoectochilus roxburghii born grew up where Clematis is
  • Seducing a red spring sword

    Seducing a red spring sword

    [seductive red] near Kunming, Yunnan Province, it is a typical representative of Chunjian safflower, with a leaf height of 35-60cm and a wide leaf width of about 0.4cm~1.0cm. It has 6 leaves, which are upright, compact, healthy and easy to plant, especially beautiful in bloom and frame.

  • Shanghai Huang Xinqin

    Shanghai Huang Xinqin

    Characteristics: the leaf cluster is erect, the plant height is 60-65 cm, the spreading degree is 16-20 cm, the leaf is double odd-pinnate, each leaf has 2-3 pairs of leaflets, the leaflets are nearly round, and the leaves are dark green. The petiole is long and thick, light green, yellow-white after softening, less fiber, strong fragrance and high yield. It is more hardy and bolts late in spring, so it is suitable for cultivation in late autumn, winter and spring. Key points of cultivation: sowing seedlings in spring from mid-February to mid-March; sowing and raising seedlings in summer cultivation in June; early autumn cultivation from early July to August

  • Ganli No.1

    Ganli No.1

    Ganli No. 1: tree posture upright, tree momentum moderate, annual branches dark red, dense, medium, not prominent, branch base easy light leg; dark green leaves, leaves very thick, small, long oval, leaf margin blunt, leaf tip gradually pointed, leaf surface slightly wavy. Fruit nearly round, peel yellow, white flesh, thin crisp, stone cells less juice, sweet and sour taste, quality. shoot germination rate is high (72.2%), shoot forming ability is medium (24.2%), shoot average length is 60.0 cm, shoot diameter is 0.780 cm, internode length is 2.9 cm,
